Bringing residents together through the power of teamwork

22 July 2024

Bringing residents together through the power of teamwork

At our residents’ meeting last month, the group living downstairs was encouraged to focus on the power of collaboration, acknowledging their diverse reasons for being in the home and their varied needs. One activity that has gained immense popularity among these residents is word games, ranging from hangman to finding as many words as possible from the letters of a longer word. Building on this love for puzzles, we suggested incorporating crosswords. Many residents expressed their enjoyment of crosswords, though some admitted they weren’t particularly skilled at them, and others struggled with vision problems that made it difficult to complete puzzles in newspapers and books.

Embracing the spirit of teamwork, we devised a creative solution: interactive crosswords projected onto the TVs in a larger, easy-to-see format. This way, residents can work together as a team to solve the puzzles. This idea has become a hit, drawing a large and enthusiastic crowd—proving that teamwork truly makes the dream work!

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